Unrest At Hyderabad Dental College As Students, Staff Clash With Principal

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Tensions are high at the Government Dental College and Hospital (GDCH) in Afzalgunj, with faculty and students embroiled in a bitter dispute with the principal, Dr P Aruna. Accusations fly thick and fast, with both sides painting a grim picture of the college's current state.

The conflict erupted in September 2021 upon Dr. Aruna's appointment. Since then, a barrage of complaints has been lodged against her leadership style. Staff and students allege a reign of fear, citing instances of students being barred from exams, unexpected dismissals of non-teaching staff, and unexplained salary withholdings.

The situation has worsened due to restrictions placed on essential services. Faculty have been barred from using the oral and maxillofacial surgery department's operating room, causing disruptions for both patients and staff. Additionally, limitations on elevator usage within the hospital have created significant inconvenience for patients with mobility issues.

The All India Dental Students Association (AIDSA) has joined the fray, accusing Dr Aruna of unfair treatment towards students, particularly regarding hostel room allocations. The association has called for a comprehensive investigation and appropriate action against the principal.

Dr. Aruna, however, maintains her innocence. She claims her actions aim to restore order and discipline within the college. She accuses the staff and students of a coordinated smear campaign to undermine her efforts.

To address the escalating tensions, the Director of Medical Education (DME) has formed a three-member committee to investigate the matter. The committee has submitted its findings to the DME, who will determine the next steps.