Medical Interns Strike At Banas Medical College Over Unpaid Stipends

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Medical interns at Banas Medical College & Research Institute in Palanpur, Gujarat, began a strike on May 31, demanding full stipends and accommodation. These interns, who have been working for two months, claim they have not received their stipends as promised.

One intern explained that despite working over 52 hours a week, they have not been paid and emphasized the need for accommodation due to the job's demanding nature. They noted that multiple meetings with the administration yielded no positive results, and attempts to meet the hospital chairman only resulted in vague promises.

In a written notice sent on March 18, the interns reiterated their demand for a monthly stipend of Rs 18,200, in line with National Medical Commission (NMC) norms. With no response from the administration, the interns decided to strike. The hospital later issued a notice offering Rs 12,000 as a stipend, but the interns insist on the full NMC-stipulated amount.

The United Doctors’ Front Association (UDFA) of India has supported the interns, urging the college to comply with their demands. The association highlighted the interns' hard work and the fairness of their request for proper compensation.