Odisha Schools Extend Morning Classes Due To Heatwave

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In response to the ongoing heatwave and high humidity levels, the Odisha School and Mass Education department has decided to extend morning classes in schools across the state. This adjustment aims to safeguard students' well-being from Standard I to XII.

Previously, schools operated from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. To better accommodate the intense summer conditions, the schedule has been extended to 12:30 p.m. This revised timing will be in effect until June 21. The department plans for normal class hours to resume from June 22 onwards.

The decision to extend morning classes was made after carefully considering the extreme weather conditions, which have significantly impacted daily life in Odisha. By extending the hours in the cooler part of the day, the department hopes to provide students with a more comfortable learning environment, reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.

"This move aims to ensure the comfort and well-being of our students during the intense summer season," said an Odisha School and Mass Education department spokesperson. "We are closely monitoring the weather and will make further adjustments if necessary to protect the health of our students.

Parents and guardians have been advised to ensure that children stay hydrated and wear light, comfortable clothing to school. Schools are also taking additional measures to keep classrooms cool and provide adequate drinking water to students.

The heatwave in Odisha has prompted several public health advisories, with authorities urging residents to stay indoors during peak heat hours and take precautions against heatstroke. The extension of morning classes is one of several measures implemented to mitigate the adverse effects of the extreme weather.

While the extended schedule has been well-received, some parents have expressed concerns about the longer hours affecting younger children. In response, the department has assured that teachers will be attentive to student's needs and that breaks will be provided to ensure they remain comfortable and hydrated.

As Odisha faces challenging weather conditions, the state's proactive approach in adjusting school timings reflects a commitment to prioritizing student health and safety. The education department remains vigilant and prepared to take further steps to address the evolving situation.