UP Madrasas To Implement Biometric Attendance For Teachers, Aiming To Boost Accountability

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To enhance accountability and reduce absenteeism, the Uttar Pradesh Board of Madrasa Education has introduced biometric attendance for teachers across all 16,000 registered and 560-aided madrasas in the state. This initiative, aimed at modernizing the administration of madrasas, will see the implementation of biometric systems and CCTV cameras within a year.

The biometric attendance system is not entirely new to the madrasa sector in Uttar Pradesh. It was successfully implemented in 171 aided madrasas, setting a precedent for the broader rollout. Expanding to all registered and aided institutions is a significant step in ensuring accurate attendance records and preventing fraudulent practices.

The biometric system will involve the installation of fingerprint scanners and facial recognition devices at madrasa entrances. These devices will be linked to a central database, allowing for real-time attendance monitoring. The addition of CCTV cameras will further ensure the integrity of the process, deterring any attempts at manipulation.

The implementation plan includes a phased approach, with training sessions for teachers and administrative staff on effectively using the new technology. The state government has allocated funds to purchase and install the necessary equipment, underscoring its commitment to this modernization effort.

While the primary focus is on teacher attendance, the Board has also announced plans to extend biometric attendance to students. This extension ensures that students regularly attend classes, enhancing overall educational outcomes.

The Uttar Pradesh Board of Madrasa Education will closely monitor its implementation and address any challenges. The success of this initiative could serve as a model for other states, demonstrating the potential of technology to improve educational administration.

Introducing biometric attendance for teachers in Uttar Pradesh madrasas marks a significant stride towards enhancing accountability and improving educational quality. As the state embarks on this ambitious project, the focus remains on creating a more transparent and effective educational environment, ensuring that teachers and students are present and engaged in the learning process.