NHRC advocates for dignity and rights of beggars across India

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The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has taken a decisive step towards safeguarding the dignity and rights of beggars across India by issuing a groundbreaking advisory. This advisory, in accordance with directives from the Supreme Court, mandates a series of comprehensive measures aimed at protecting and rehabilitating individuals compelled to beg.

At the core of the NHRC's directive is the requirement for state governments and union territories to implement robust initiatives. These initiatives encompass the provision of essential services such as boarding facilities, healthcare, and compulsory education tailored specifically for beggars. Moreover, the establishment of rehabilitation centers and vocational training programs seeks to empower beggars, enabling them to achieve self-sufficiency and reclaim their dignity.

The NHRC underscores the recognition of begging as a violation of human rights, stressing the importance of treating beggars with compassion and respect. Central to this approach is the advocacy for addressing the root causes that drive individuals into begging, promoting sustainable solutions to combat this entrenched societal issue.

To bolster assistance and streamline reporting processes, the NHRC advocates for the establishment of a dedicated helpline and online portal. These platforms are envisioned to serve as crucial avenues for the public to report instances of begging and for beggars themselves to access the necessary aid and support they require promptly and efficiently.

This proactive stance by the NHRC aligns seamlessly with the Supreme Court's guidelines aimed at eradicating forced begging and upholding the fundamental rights of all individuals, especially those in vulnerable situations. By initiating these measures, the NHRC aims to make significant strides towards fostering a society where every person can lead a life of dignity and respect, free from the hardships associated with the harsh realities of street begging.

The NHRC's advisory represents not only a legal and ethical imperative but also a humanitarian commitment to ensuring that the most vulnerable members of society are protected and empowered. By addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate begging and by providing comprehensive support mechanisms, the NHRC's initiative signifies a significant step forward in creating a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.