Teacher caught sleeping in classroom while students fan her

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In Gokulpur village, within the Dhanipur block of Aligarh district, a government school teacher has become the center of controversy after being caught on CCTV sleeping in her classroom during school hours. The footage, which shows the teacher reclining while students fan her to keep her cool, has stirred significant outrage among parents and local residents.

The incident, captured by surveillance cameras, reveals a troubling scene where the teacher appears to be resting comfortably while the students are seen actively fanning her. This behaviour has been widely condemned as an egregious lapse in professional responsibility, sparking intense criticism from the community.

Parents, particularly upset by the footage, have voiced their frustration over what they perceive as a clear neglect of duty. They argue that the teacher’s conduct not only fails to meet professional standards but also sends a poor message about the importance of education and respect for the learning environment. The image of students performing a task meant for a teacher, rather than focusing on their own studies, has exacerbated the situation, leading to calls for immediate and stringent disciplinary action.

Local residents and community leaders have rallied in response to the incident, demanding that the school administration take decisive steps to address what they view as a serious breach of conduct. There is a growing consensus that such behavior should not be tolerated and that it reflects broader issues within the educational system, including insufficient oversight and accountability.

The footage has sparked a broader discussion about the quality of education in government schools and the responsibilities of educators. Critics are using this incident to highlight systemic problems that may contribute to a lack of professionalism and commitment among some teachers. This case has become a focal point for debates on improving educational standards and ensuring that teachers fulfill their roles effectively.

As the community continues to express its discontent, the emphasis remains on finding solutions to prevent similar incidents in the future. The outcry underscores the need for better supervision and higher expectations from educators to ensure that students receive the quality education they deserve. The school administration is now under pressure to implement measures that reinforce professional standards and address the concerns raised by this incident.