Delhi University Announces Major Fee Hike For 2024-25 Academic Session

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Delhi University has announced a substantial fee increase for the 2024-25 academic session, marking a significant rise across various programs. The new fee structure will see PhD fees escalate by 60.22%, from Rs 4,450 to Rs 7,130. This follows a 46% fee hike introduced in December last year, raising concerns among students and stakeholders.

The fee hike extends beyond doctoral programs, affecting undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Specifically, B.Tech programs will experience a 3.7% increase in fees, while the five-year integrated law program will see a 5% rise. These adjustments are part of the university's broader financial strategy to cope with rising operational costs.

To mitigate the impact of these increases, the university has announced that it will offer fee waivers to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Students from families earning between Rs 4 lakh and Rs 8 lakh per year will be eligible for these waivers to ease the financial burden on those who need it most.

International students will also be affected by the new fee structure. While most international programs will see increased fees, some exceptions exist. For instance, the MA in Hindu Studies program will have reduced costs for students from SAARC and non-SAARC countries. This adjustment aims to make the program more accessible to students from these regions. Tibetan applicants will benefit from exemptions, as they will not be required to pay university registration fees or additional fees charged by colleges and departments.

University officials have defended the fee hike, characterising it as a routine adjustment necessary for financial planning and sustainability. They argue that such increases are common and essential for maintaining the quality of education and services the university provides.

The announcement of this fee hike has stirred significant concern among students and parents, who are still grappling with the financial impact of the previous fee increase. Many are worried about the growing cost of higher education and its implications for accessibility and equity within the institution.

As per News Click reports, Delhi University is moving forward with these new fee structures. The university community closely watches the developments and their effects on current and prospective students.