Students Rally At DU Vice-Chancellor’s Office Amidst Funding Crisis And Reservation Disputes

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Carrying posters with slogans such as "Our funding, our seats" and "Say no to shoving government school students in SOL," the students gathered in significant numbers outside the VC office. 

A protest demonstration led by the Krantikari Yuva Sangathan (KYS) took place outside the Delhi University Vice-Chancellor’s Office on Thursday, where the university’s academic and executive councils held a joint meeting to discuss a funding crisis affecting 12 state-funded colleges. The students demanded 85% of the reservation for Delhi government school students in these colleges, fully funded by the state government.

Carrying posters with slogans such as "Our funding, our seats" and "Say no to shoving government school students in SOL," the students gathered in significant numbers outside the VC office. They voiced concerns that despite the substantial number of students graduating from Delhi government schools each year, very few secure seats in Delhi University, as a majority are claimed by private school students from Delhi and other states.

In a statement, the student body emphasized that these 12 colleges were explicitly established to serve the needs of Delhi students and are funded entirely by Delhi’s taxpayers. The KYS argued that these institutions should prioritize the educational needs of local government school students. They also called for the introduction of evening classes in all Delhi government-funded colleges and an increase in the total number of seats at Delhi University to prevent students from being pushed into institutions like the School of Open Learning (SOL) or dropping out entirely.