Students of KGBV Shamshabad protest against unhygienic food and poor sanitation conditions

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Concerning development, students of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) in Shamshabad have protested against the substandard food quality and inadequate sanitation facilities in their hostel.

The protest highlights serious grievances, with students voicing their frustration over being served unhygienic and unpalatable meals, alongside enduring unsanitary conditions, including dirty toilets and bathrooms.

As per edexLive reports, the students have raised alarms about the potential health risks associated with these issues, emphasising that the lack of basic hygiene and nutritious food jeopardises their well-being. They are demanding immediate intervention from the school authorities to address these pressing concerns and improve the living conditions in the hostel.

In response to the protest, the school authorities acknowledged the students' complaints and assured them that the matter would be thoroughly investigated. They have promised to take necessary actions to resolve the issues and ensure that the student's health and safety are not compromised.

This incident brings to light students' ongoing struggles in government-run hostels, underscoring the urgent need for better facilities and more outstanding care. The situation at KGBV Shamshabad serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining high standards of hygiene and food quality in educational institutions, particularly those catering to vulnerable student populations.

Authorities are now under pressure to take swift and effective measures to rectify the situation and prevent similar issues from arising. Further updates are expected as the situation develops.