IIT Guwahati embroiled in degree forgery scandal

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A shocking allegation has rocked the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, with a former professor claiming that the institution is shielding employees with bogus degrees. Dr. Rajeev Kumar, who taught at IIT Guwahati for 20 years, has blown the whistle on the scandal, alleging that employees holding fake or forged degrees are being protected by the institution.

Dr Kumar said he was forced to resign after exposing the issue. He claims that he had brought the matter to the attention of the institute's authorities, but they failed to take action. Instead, he alleges that he was harassed and eventually forced to quit.

As per edexLive reports, IIT Guwahati has denied the allegations, terming them as "baseless". The institution has set up an inquiry committee to investigate the matter, but Dr Kumar has expressed scepticism about the committee's ability to conduct a fair probe.

The scandal has raised serious questions about the integrity of IIT Guwahati's hiring process and the qualifications of its employees. If true, the allegations could have far-reaching consequences for the institution's reputation and the academic credentials of its staff.

Dr Kumar's allegations have sparked a heated debate about the prevalence of degree forgery in Indian academia. While some have praised Dr Kumar for his courage in speaking out, others have questioned his motives and the timing of his allegations.

As the investigation continues, the academic community is watching with bated breath. The outcome of the inquiry could have significant implications for IIT Guwahati and the wider educational community. The scandal has overshadowed IIT Guwahati's reputation as a premier academic institution. As the investigation unfolds, one thing is sure - the educational community will be watching closely to see how this scandal plays out.