Delhi Education Department issues heat wave protocols for schools

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As temperatures soar in Delhi, the Directorate of Education (DoE) under the Delhi government has issued a set of nine crucial guidelines for schools, both public and private, to tackle the impending heat wave effectively.

The focus of these directives is on ensuring the safety and well-being of students and staff while maintaining an optimal learning environment.

The DoE's proactive measures include strict instructions for schools to adhere to the guidelines aimed at combating the challenges posed by the rising temperatures. These guidelines encompass various aspects, ranging from educational initiatives to practical steps aimed at mitigating the impact of extreme heat on school activities.

Source: India Today


Outlined below are the key directives:

Display of informative posters: Schools must prominently display posters providing information on preventive measures against heat-related illnesses.

Suspension of afternoon assemblies: To minimize students' exposure to intense heat during the hottest hours of the day, schools are required to suspend afternoon assemblies.

Cessation of outdoor classes: Outdoor classes are to be discontinued to shield students from direct sunlight and oppressive heat.

Restriction of outdoor activities: During declared heat waves, schools must refrain from organizing any outdoor activities to prevent students from overexertion in extreme weather conditions.

Provision of accessible drinking water: Schools must ensure the availability of clean drinking water at all times, with a focus on maintaining the proper functioning of water purification systems.

Implementation of scheduled water breaks: Regular water breaks should be incorporated into the school day to prevent dehydration among students.

Parental awareness campaign: Parents are to be sensitized through School Management Committee (SMC) members about the importance of ensuring their children protect themselves from direct sunlight by covering their heads with umbrellas, hats, caps, towels, or other headgear.

First Aid readiness: School first aid kits must include Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) to address any signs of heat-related illnesses among students promptly.

Prompt reporting of cases: In the event of any heat-related illness, schools are required to report cases promptly to the nearest health facility or hospital for immediate medical attention.