Heavy Rainfall Hits Udupi District, Karnataka; Schools and PU Colleges Declared Holiday

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Due to severe rainfall and subsequent flooding, the Udupi district in Karnataka has announced a holiday for schools and PU colleges on July 20, 2024. As per Edex Live reports, the District Commissioner, Mr. Kurma Rao, issued the order to ensure the safety of students amidst the adverse weather conditions.

The intense downpour has led to significant waterlogging and flooding in various parts of the district, causing disruptions and making it unsafe for students to commute to their educational institutions. The district administration has urged residents to exercise caution and avoid travelling to flood-affected areas unless necessary.

The decision to declare a holiday is a precautionary measure aimed at prioritizing the well-being and safety of students. Authorities closely monitor the situation, and further updates will be provided to keep the public informed.

The heavy rainfall has not only affected daily life but also posed risks to transportation and infrastructure. The district administration is working on managing the flood situation and ensuring the safety of all residents. Emergency services are on alert, and measures are being taken to address any issues that arise promptly.

Parents and students are advised to stay updated through official channels and heed the warnings and instructions issued by the local authorities. The focus remains on ensuring that the safety of students is not compromised during this period of intense weather.

The Udupi district administration's swift response to the heavy rainfall and flooding by declaring a holiday for schools and PU colleges underscores their commitment to student safety. Residents are encouraged to remain vigilant and follow the guidelines to navigate the challenging weather conditions safely.