Ahmedabad's schools in dire need of Fire Safety compliance

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A staggering 750 schools in Ahmedabad are yet to comply with fire safety norms, putting the lives of thousands of students and staff at risk. The Education Department has identified these schools and is working to ensure they meet the necessary standards.

The revelation comes after a series of inspections by the Education Department, which found that many schools lacked basic fire safety measures such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and emergency exit routes. This is a grave concern, especially in a city like Ahmedabad, which has witnessed devastating fires.

As per Indian Express reports, the non-compliance of schools with fire safety norms is a ticking time bomb waiting to unleash a disaster. School authorities are responsible for ensuring that their institutions meet the required safety standards, but sadly, many have failed.

The Education Department has swung into action, conducting inspections and providing guidance to schools to help them comply with fire safety norms. However, more needs to be done to address this critical issue.

Parents and guardians are also concerned about the safety of their children and are demanding immediate action from school authorities. The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has also stepped in, issuing notices to schools that are not complying with fire safety norms. 

As the city grapples with this critical issue, it is clear that a collective effort is needed to ensure that schools are safe for students and staff. The Education Department, school authorities, parents, and the AMC must work together to address this pressing concern and prevent any potential disasters.