False narrative surrounds video of student beating at eden college in Dhaka

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A recent video showing a student being beaten by a group of people at Eden College in Dhaka has sparked widespread outrage and concern. However, an investigation by Alt News has revealed that the video has been shared with a false narrative, claiming it depicts an attack on Hindus. In reality, the video shows a Chhatra League leader being punished by his peers for alleged extortion and harassment of students.

The incident occurred on July 24, 2024, at Eden College, a prominent educational institution in Dhaka. Eyewitnesses revealed that the Chhatra League leader was accused of extorting money from students and was subsequently beaten by a group of students as a form of punishment. Despite this, social media users began sharing the video with a false narrative, claiming it showed a hate crime against Hindus.

The video quickly went viral, sparking widespread outrage and concern. However, Alt News' investigation found that the true circumstances surrounding the incident vastly differed from the narrative shared online. The fact-checking website spoke to eyewitnesses and verified the facts, revealing that the incident was not a hate crime but rather a case of students taking action against a peer accused of extortion.

This incident highlights the dangers of misinformation and the importance of fact-checking in today's digital age. It underscores the need for social media users to be cautious when sharing content online to avoid perpetuating false narratives. The spread of misinformation can have serious consequences, including fueling hatred and violence.

In this case, the false narrative surrounding the Eden College incident has the potential to create communal tensions and fuel hatred against a particular community. It is essential to be vigilant and verify information before sharing it online. By doing so, we can prevent the spread of misinformation and promote a more informed and responsible online community.