Indian Students Face New Hurdles As UK and Canada Tighten Immigration Rules

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Indian students pursuing education abroad face mounting challenges due to recent policy changes in key destinations like the United Kingdom and Canada.

These countries, which have traditionally been popular among Indian students, are now tightening their immigration and educational regulations, causing uncertainty and anxiety among prospective students.

In the United Kingdom, the Labour Party's commitment to retaining a ban on international students bringing dependents is a significant setback. This policy is particularly discouraging for students who had planned to bring their families with them during their studies, raising concerns about the UK’s attractiveness as a study destination.

Once known for its welcoming stance towards international students, Canada is also implementing stricter measures. The government is cracking down on what it terms "puppy mill" colleges, resulting in the closure of several low-quality institutions. Additionally, new regulations include a cap on student visa issuance and the removal of post-graduation work permit incentives, further complicating the prospects for Indian students, as mentioned in a report by Business Standard.

These developments reflect a broader trend of tightening immigration policies in countries traditionally favoured by Indian students. The impact of these changes is likely to be significant, potentially forcing students to reconsider their options or explore alternative destinations for their higher education.