New MoU Between IIT Madras And IIT Ropar Opens Pathways For Data Science Students

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The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) and the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar) have formalized a new academic collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on August 30.

This agreement marks a significant step in enhancing educational and research opportunities between the two prestigious institutes.

Under the MoU, students enrolled in the IIT Madras BS Degree in Data Science and Applications can take courses at IIT Ropar, facilitating the completion of their degree credits through coursework at the partner institution. Those who achieve a specified CGPA will be eligible for direct admission to IIT Ropar's MS program without needing GATE scores. Additionally, IITM BS students can spend up to a year at IIT Ropar, apply for research programs, and pursue projects and internships under the IIT Ropar faculty.

Conversely, IIT Ropar students will have the chance to study courses in data science and programming that are part of the IIT Madras BS program. This initiative will also support student exchange programs, internships, and other collaborative efforts between the institutions.

Prof. V Kamakoti, Director of IIT Madras, lauded the MoU for its role in democratizing higher education and providing opportunities for students, particularly from rural areas. Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, Director of IIT Ropar, emphasized the transformative potential of this collaboration in advancing education and research. Both directors expressed optimism that this partnership will set new academic and professional success benchmarks.