The Edinbox Rationale: Lest We Forget

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Lest we forget that India is a nation of more than one-third of the population in the 15 to 25 years age-bracket, the most promising period of life when one decides career path, subjects for learning, types of work to do, and becomes self-dependent in the process.

Lest we forget that India is a nation of more than one-third of the population in the 15 to 25 years age-bracket, the most promising period of life when one decides career path, subjects for learning, types of work to do, and becomes self-dependent in the process. And this needs hand-holding. In-person and remotely.

Lest we forget that while engineering, medicine, and management are still the preferred areas of career-building, there are 99 other niche areas of learning, working and building your professional life ahead. Some of these niche areas are design, media, forensic sciences, social sciences, allied healthcare, agriculture, etc. Sadly, there is much lesser conversation around these domains as to what are the latest in these.

Lest we forget that Indian media is nearly 1% of the Indian economy of nearly 4 trillion dollars, engaging more than 2 million people, with a huge impact on the minds and hearts of the people, but hardly there is any dedicated media platform focused on education and learning. Education is the least talked about domain of public life in the media.

Lest we forget that the two areas (education and healthcare) which actually account for the human capital of the nation with the largest youth population among larger countries, are the areas which are least focused on governance and nation’s politics. And these need much more public focus in times to come.

Lest we forget that higher education of India is today one of the most robust, which has more than a hundred million learners post Class XII, and much of it is routine and of average quality, whereas there are some islands of quality in some institutes. The quality circle has to expand fast if we want not to miss the demographic dividend we have.

Hence, to focus on the above and document the progress in higher education (more so in the niche areas) of India first and Asia next, Edinbox comes to you all as our Gift of Love on Valentine’s Day. It is also a blessing of the Goddess of Learning on the Basant Panchami day.

Alongside, we will support higher education institutes with better quality learners entering the portals and support our neo-adults passing out of schools with knowledge, information and insights to get into their dream careers and institutes. We will also highlight the achievements of the Gurus of these fields through their Councils, awards institutes and mentors and create ecosystems of each domain in person and online.

Bon voyage into the world of higher education through the pages of Edinbox.


Prof Ujjwal Anu Chowdhury

The author is Vice President, Washington University of Science and Technology and Editorial Mentor,