US-India Defense Ties: Evolving Geopolitical Dynamics might bring change in defense education

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The recent high-level defence conclave in New Delhi has underscored the evolving and robust partnership between India and the United States.

The two-day event, organized by the U.S. Mission to India in collaboration with CUTS International, the United Service Institution of India (USI), and the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF), highlighted the deepening defence and security cooperation between the two nations.

Pradeep S. Mehta, Secretary General of CUTS International, set the stage with his opening remarks, emphasizing the strategic importance of maintaining strong ties with the US and Russia. “We maintain a strong friendship with the US, although we are not formal treaty allies. Our defence cooperation is growing, yet there is a need for a formal alliance. Meanwhile, Russia remains a reliable ally, a relationship we foresee enduring. This partnership, however, does not compromise our friendship with the US as we pursue our strategic interests, notably in countering our shared adversary, China. In some respects, we view Russia as a balancing force against China in our region,” Mehta stated.

US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, echoed these sentiments in his keynote address, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of the US-India partnership. "India sees its future with the United States, and the United States sees its future with India," Garcetti noted. He highlighted the central role of commerce, technology, people, and security in this vital partnership. "Our relationship is not a bet; it is a commitment and friendship that is true, tried, and tested," he affirmed, stressing the importance of trust and cooperation.

The “U.S.-India Defense News Conclave: Stories of U.S-India Defense and Security Partnership” conclave featured insightful sessions designed to foster meaningful discussions on the US-India defence partnership. The event started with a session celebrating India-US defence ties' historical evolution and future growth areas. Subsequent sessions delved into maritime security, space cooperation, and building a modern defence industrial ecosystem.

Rear Admiral Michael Baker, Defense Attached to the U.S. Embassy, highlighted the importance of interoperability and political resolve in deterring war. Vishesh Negi, Joint Secretary, International Cooperation, Ministry of Defense, emphasized that India and the US are natural partners with a robust focus on regional stability and shared prosperity.

The panel “Fourth Pillar of Democracy: Informed View of U.S.-India Defense Relations” underscored the role of media in shaping public perceptions and countering misinformation. The final session outlined the next steps for the partnership, focusing on joint production, technology collaboration, and working within multilateral frameworks like the Quad.

Gloria Berbena, Minister Counselor for Public Diplomacy at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, stressed the importance of transparency and public engagement in the US-India security partnership. "Our security partnership must be as transparent as possible, and be open to scrutiny and discussion," Berbena stated, highlighting the need for a well-informed citizenry.

The conclave concluded with calls for sustained efforts to strengthen the US-India defence partnership, recognizing its crucial role in ensuring peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.