KSHEC Proposes Entrance Exams For PG Courses Amidst Student Opposition

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The Karnataka State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) has proposed implementing entrance exams for all postgraduate (PG) courses in state-run universities starting this academic year. The goal is to improve and maintain the quality of PG degree holders. The respective universities will conduct these exams, and different departments will prepare test papers.

KSHEC Vice-Chairman SR Niranjana mentioned that some universities, like Mysuru, already conduct PG entrance exams, and the proposal aims to unify this process. Admissions will continue based on a 50-50 weightage between degree marks and entrance exam scores. A meeting with university vice-chancellors will soon be held to discuss the proposal.

Student communities have opposed the move, arguing that it will negatively affect already dwindling admission numbers and create barriers for poorer students. Allamaprabhu Bettaduru from the All-India Save Education Committee (AISEC) criticized the proposal, suggesting it would centralize admissions and disadvantage poor and meritorious students, as mentioned in a report by Edex Live.

On the other hand, L Gomathi Devi, VC of Maharani Cluster University, supported the idea, indicating that entrance exams should be tailored to specific courses and their demand.

The proposal has sparked debate on balancing academic standards with equitable access to higher education.