SVEEP Campaign At Jhelum Riverfront Energizes Voter Awareness Ahead Of Assembly Elections

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A dynamic Systematic Voters' Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) campaign was recently conducted at the Jhelum Riverfront, designed to boost voter awareness ahead of the upcoming Assembly elections.

Organized by the District Election Officer of Srinagar, the event drew significant involvement from students across various colleges and schools in the city.

The campaign’s centerpiece was a hands-on demo polling station, set up by participating students to simulate the voting process for local community members. This interactive setup allowed attendees to experience the voting procedure firsthand, including the operation of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and to learn about their voter rights and responsibilities. By providing a practical demonstration, the initiative aimed to demystify the electoral process and encourage informed voting.

In addition to the demo station, students engaged the community through a series of creative art activities. Vibrant posters and interactive art installations were displayed, each designed to highlight the importance of voting and stimulate discussions about the impact of each vote. These artistic efforts not only attracted attention but also served as a visual representation of the campaign’s message.

The collaboration between students and the District Election Office exemplifies a successful grassroots effort to enhance electoral participation and reinforce democratic values. By merging educational activities with creative expression, the SVEEP campaign at the Jhelum Riverfront effectively engaged the community and promoted the crucial message of civic duty and electoral involvement.