How Smartly Signage Ies Transforming Indian Cities

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Kerala is one of the leading states in implementing AI-driven digital signage. The state has introduced intelligent traffic management systems that utilise AI to analyse real-time data and adjust traffic signals accordingly.

This has significantly reduced congestion in major cities. According to a Kerala State IT Mission report, these systems have decreased traffic delays by up to 30% in some areas.

Moreover, Kerala's public transportation hubs are now equipped with AI-powered digital signage that provides real-time updates on bus and train schedules. This has improved commuters' travel experience, reducing waiting times and making public transport more reliable.

Other major urban centres like New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore also embrace AI-enabled digital signage. These cities have deployed bright signage in airports and shopping centres to deliver real-time information and enhance visitor experiences. For instance, in New Delhi, Indira Gandhi International Airport uses AI-driven displays to update passengers on flight schedules, gate changes, and baggage claim information.

In Mumbai, AI-powered digital billboards are being used for dynamic advertising. These billboards can change content based on real-time data such as weather conditions and traffic flow, making advertisements more relevant and engaging. A study by the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) noted that these bright billboards have increased ad engagement by 20% compared to traditional static billboards.

The adoption of AI-powered digital signage in India is yielding significant results. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the digital signage market in India is expected to grow from USD 1.3 billion in 2020 to USD 2.5 billion by 2025 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2%. The increasing adoption of AI and cloud-based technologies primarily drives this growth. 

AI-powered digital signage is about displaying information and creating more intelligent, interactive public spaces. By providing real-time updates, personalised content, and improved user experiences, this technology is set to revolutionise how we interact with our environments. As more states and cities in India adopt these systems, the benefits will continue to grow, making public spaces more efficient and user-friendly.