Chinese Education Influencer Zhao Juying Faces Backlash For Harsh Disciplinary Methods

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Zhao Juying, a prominent education influencer in China, is currently facing significant backlash on social media due to her stringent disciplinary methods. Known for her traditional approach to motivating students, the 55-year-old educator has garnered attention for physically punishing her students in various online videos.

This has sparked controversy, with many questioning her old-fashioned teaching techniques. Despite the criticism, Zhao has amassed a large following, boasting over 300,000 followers on Douyin, China's version of TikTok. She travels across the country to implement her disciplinary methods directly with students.

As reported by the South China Morning Post, Zhao gained widespread popularity after participating in an education-based reality show on Douyin. In the show, parents from all over China sought her help to discipline their teenage children and instill the importance of academic success. However, a recent video sparked outrage when Zhao was seen aggressively disciplining a young student named Huang during a home visit. In the video, she instructed Huang to gather his favorite toy and car collections and then smash them with a hammer.

Additionally, Zhao was filmed slapping the boy's palm and torso with a bamboo stick. She harshly questioned the value of his toys in improving his math or English grades and warned him about the consequences of not getting into high school, which could jeopardize his chances of sitting for university entrance exams. Zhao further emphasized that no girl from a prestigious university would marry him if he failed academically. In another video, she chastised the child for being too immature and demanded he tear up his comics.

Zhao advocates for a strict approach to education, believing that punishment is essential for rapid academic improvement. Her recent actions have drawn widespread criticism on social media, with many condemning her harsh methods. Despite the negative feedback, Zhao remains steadfast in her belief that her techniques can effectively motivate students to excel academically.