Donald Trump Proposes Automatic Green Cards For Foreign Graduates

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Former US President Donald Trump proposed that foreign students graduating from American colleges should automatically receive green cards.

This suggestion, aimed at retaining top talent in the country, also extends to junior college graduates. Trump made these comments on a podcast hosted by venture capitalists, according to a report by ANI.

Trump emphasized that the brightest minds in the world should be able to stay in the US after graduation, noting that current policies often force talented individuals to leave. He pointed out that many graduates from top colleges have innovative business ideas but can't remain in the country to implement them due to visa issues.

Known for his stringent stance on illegal immigration, Trump has also criticized current President Joe Biden’s immigration policies. He cited graduates who struggled to stay in the US despite their potential contributions to the economy and innovation. "That is going to end on day one," Trump asserted, referring to the difficulties foreign graduates face in securing green cards.

By granting automatic green cards to foreign graduates, Trump argues, the US could better leverage their talents and maintain its competitive edge globally. This proposal reflects a shift in Trump's immigration policy, focusing on retaining highly skilled individuals to benefit the country's economy and innovation landscape.