Karnataka schools to foster reading habits in students

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In a significant move to promote literacy and a love for reading among students, the Karnataka government has announced that schools in the state will now dedicate one period exclusively to reading. This initiative, aimed at instilling a lifelong habit of reading in young minds, will be implemented in all government and private schools across the state.

According to the new mandate, students will be free to choose books of interest during this designated period, allowing them to explore various genres and authors. The state government's decision to make reading a compulsory part of the school curriculum is expected to profoundly impact students' language skills, comprehension, and overall academic performance.

The dedicated reading period is a well-timed initiative, considering the increasing concern over declining reading habits among students in recent years. With the rise of digital media and screens, many students have drifted away from the joy of reading, leading to a significant drop in literacy rates. By incorporating reading into the daily school routine, Karnataka aims to reverse this trend and create a generation of avid readers.

As per edexLive reports, education experts have welcomed the move, citing the numerous benefits of reading for students. "Reading is the foundation of learning, and this initiative will help students develop critical thinking, vocabulary, and communication skills," said a prominent educationist. "Reading will broaden their perspectives, foster creativity, and enhance their overall academic performance."

The state government has assured that necessary measures will be taken to ensure the success of this initiative. Schools will be provided with diverse books, and teachers will be trained to create a conducive reading environment. Additionally, regular assessments will be conducted to monitor students' progress and identify areas for improvement.

As Karnataka takes this significant step towards promoting literacy and a love for reading, other states will likely follow suit. By making reading an integral part of the school curriculum, Karnataka is setting a commendable example for the rest of the country to emulate. With this initiative, the state is poised to raise a generation of readers, thinkers, and leaders who will shape the future of India.