Teenager Admits To Sending Bomb Threat Email To Skip School

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A 14-year-old student sent a bomb threat email to Summer Fields School in Kailash Colony, Greater Kailash-1, Delhi, on Friday, August 2, to avoid attending school. The threat led to the immediate evacuation of the school premises.

The Delhi police revealed the student's actions on Saturday, August 3, following an investigation reported by ANI. According to Principal Shalini Agarwal, the school received the email late Thursday night and promptly took action on Friday morning. As per the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), she stated that we evacuated the students within 10 minutes of receiving the email.

The student, now being questioned by the Delhi police, admitted to sending the bomb threat email because he did not want to go to school. The student included the names of two additional schools in the email to make the threat seem more credible.

The police have confirmed that an investigation is ongoing and have emphasized the seriousness of such threats. They reiterated the need for strict adherence to safety protocols to ensure the well-being of students and staff.

This incident echoes a similar scare on May 2, when 131 schools in Delhi received bomb threat emails. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) later declared those threats hoaxes. Authorities treat the current incident with utmost seriousness, highlighting the importance of maintaining school safety and the consequences of false threats.

The school community and authorities stress the severe implications of such actions and the necessity of appropriate measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.