Bihar Government announces extra holidays and free study kit for students up to Class 12

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To promote education and alleviate the financial burden on parents, the Bihar government has announced additional holidays for all schools in the state from August 10 to August 15. The government will also provide a free study kit to students up to Class 12.

The additional holidays will give students a longer break, allowing them to relax and recharge during the mid-term period. This extension is expected to enhance the well-being and morale of students, allowing them to return to their studies with renewed energy.

According to English Jagran reports, this initiative aims to ensure that all students have access to the essential tools they need for their studies, regardless of their financial background. To further support education, the Bihar government will distribute free study kits to students in government schools, government-aided schools, and madrasas. The study kit includes essential educational materials such as Textbooks, Notebooks, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Sharpeners

The study kits will be distributed efficiently, and students can collect their kits from their respective schools. Identification will be done using their enrollment numbers, ensuring a smooth and organized process.

This initiative highlights the Bihar government's commitment to supporting students and prioritizing education. The government is taking significant steps to create a more supportive and conducive learning environment by providing essential study materials and additional holidays. 

The extended holidays and free study kits are expected to impact students' academic performance and overall well-being positively. The government's proactive measures demonstrate a dedication to improving educational standards and making quality education accessible to all.