CEOs Face Disciplinary Action Over School Construction Delays

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The School Education Department has warned Chief Educational Officers (CEOs) sternly regarding delays in approving school infrastructure projects, especially those mandated by court orders.

This directive comes in response to numerous complaints about slow approval processes that have hindered essential construction work.

A recent circular from School Education Director S. Kanappan highlights concerns over undue delays at the district level in sanctioning these projects. The department demands that CEOs strictly adhere to established norms and standards during construction. “It has come to the department’s attention that there are unnecessary delays at the district level in sanctioning these projects,” the circular states.

Additionally, the directive stresses the need for timely acknowledgement of facilities donated by individuals or organizations. Monetary donations must be promptly transferred to the school’s account and managed by the school management committee. CEOs are also required to update the Educational Management Information System (EMIS) with details of received funds and ongoing work. Regular progress reports must be sent to the law officer to ensure projects are completed on schedule.

This warning reflects the department’s commitment to improving the efficiency of school infrastructure development and addressing the issues that have led to delays in project approvals.