Corruption allegations shake Manipur's Education Sector

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The education sector in Manipur is under intense scrutiny as the Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur (DESAM) has raised serious corruption allegations against officials involved in the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) scheme.

DESAM, a prominent student body in the state, claims that widespread mismanagement and embezzlement of funds have crippled government schools, leaving students in a precarious situation.

The SSA scheme, launched in 2018 to enhance the quality of education across India, has reportedly become a breeding ground for corruption in Manipur. DESAM leaders allege that the scheme's objectives have been undermined by dubious practices, including:

DESAM has accused officials of engaging in corrupt practices while recruiting and posting teachers. The student body claims that many appointments were made based on favouritism rather than merit, leading to a decline in educational standards. Despite the SSA's mandate to improve school infrastructure, many government schools in Manipur reportedly lack basic amenities. DESAM highlights that classrooms are overcrowded, and essential resources such as textbooks, teaching materials, and sanitation facilities are either insufficient or entirely missing.

Funds allocated under the SSA scheme, intended for student welfare and educational development, have allegedly been syphoned off by corrupt officials. DESAM leaders argue that this misuse of public money has directly contributed to the deteriorating state of education in the region.

According to the Imphal Times, DESAM has issued a stern call to the state government, demanding immediate and decisive action. The student organisation has outlined several key demands. DESAM insists that officials implicated in corrupt activities be removed from their positions without delay. The student body argues that only by holding these individuals accountable can trust in the education system be restored.

To prevent further resource misuse, DESAM demands greater transparency in how educational funds are allocated and utilised. They advocate for rigorous auditing processes to ensure that every rupee intended for education reaches its rightful destination. DESAM is urging the government to prioritise enhancing school infrastructure and providing adequate educational resources. The student body believes that without these improvements, the quality of education in Manipur will continue to suffer.

DESAM has warned that they will escalate their efforts through protests and agitations if their demands are not addressed. The situation has cast a shadow over the future of Manipur's students as the state's education system teeters on the brink of crisis.