Telangana anti-corruption bureau uncovers irregularities in SC, ST, and BC Schools

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The Telangana Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has uncovered widespread irregularities in several SC, ST, and BC schools across the state. The raids, conducted recently, have brought to light alarming issues that are compromising the quality of education and welfare of students in these institutions.

The ACB's investigations revealed a troubling pattern of absenteeism among teachers and staff, with many employees found absent without official permission. This widespread absenteeism has directly impacted the education and supervision of students, raising serious concerns about the overall functioning of these schools.

Further probing uncovered irregularities in the admissions process, with several schools admitting students without adhering to established protocols. This lack of transparency and disregard for proper procedures has raised questions about the integrity of the admissions process in these government-funded schools.

One of the most alarming findings was the misuse of funds allocated for school development and student welfare. The ACB discovered that some officials had siphoned off money intended for critical improvements and student support programs. This embezzlement of funds has left many schools struggling with inadequate infrastructure, including poorly maintained classrooms, lack of functional toilets, and insufficient drinking water facilities.

According to edexLive reports, the quality of food provided to students under the midday meal scheme was found to be substandard. The investigation revealed that many schools were serving poorly cooked and unhygienic meals, which not only fails to meet the nutritional needs of the students but also poses a health risk.

The revelations have sparked outrage among parents, educators, and the general public, who are demanding immediate action to address these deep-rooted issues. The ACB has vowed to take strict action against those responsible for these irregularities, with plans to file charges and hold accountable the officials and staff involved in the mismanagement.

In response to the findings, the Telangana state government has assured the public that it will implement corrective measures to ensure that these schools provide the quality education and facilities that students deserve. The government has pledged to improve oversight, enhance infrastructure, and ensure that funds are used appropriately to benefit the students.

The uncovering of these irregularities in SC, ST, and BC schools is a stark reminder of the challenges facing the education system in some parts of the state. As the ACB continues its investigations, there is hope that these efforts will lead to meaningful reforms that will improve the educational environment and outcomes for students from marginalised communities in Telangana.