Taliban blocks education for 1.4 million Afghan girls

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A recent United Nations report has exposed the Taliban's systematic denial of education to 1.4 million Afghan girls, a move that has drawn sharp criticism for violating fundamental human rights and perpetuating gender-based discrimination.

The report, published on August 15, 2024, highlights the severe impact of the Taliban's 2021 decree that barred girls from attending secondary schools. This decree has effectively stripped over 1.4 million girls of their right to education, leaving them with limited prospects and reinforcing a cycle of poverty and inequality.

The UN has strongly condemned the Taliban's policies, urging them to immediately reverse the ban and restore access to education for girls. The report warns that the continued exclusion of girls from education could lead to devastating long-term consequences, including a rise in child marriages, deepening poverty, and diminished economic opportunities for Afghan women.

According to the report of Al-Jazeera, the UN report says that the Taliban's actions represent a blatant violation of human rights and international law. The denial of education to girls is not only a moral and legal failure but also a strategic error that undermines the future development and stability of Afghanistan.

In response to the report, human rights organizations and governments around the world have intensified their calls for the Taliban to uphold the right to education for all Afghan girls. They emphasize that educating girls is crucial for the country's progress and ensuring gender equality.

The international community has been urged to hold the Taliban accountable for their actions, with calls for targeted sanctions and diplomatic pressure to compel the regime to change its policies. The UN report serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to protect and promote the rights of Afghan girls, who have been disproportionately affected by the Taliban's oppressive rule.

As the situation in Afghanistan remains precarious, the global outcry against the Taliban's education policies continues to grow. The fate of 1.4 million Afghan girls hangs in the balance as the world watches to see if the Taliban will heed the calls for change and allow these girls the education they deserve.