Viral instagram reel by PCS officer sparks controversy over civil servants’ social media presence

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A recent Instagram Reel posted by PCS officer Deepak Meena has set off a fiery debate on the role of civil servants in public life and their engagement on social media. In the Reel, which quickly went viral, Meena posed a provocative question: Should civil servants tasked with serving the public be active on social media platforms?

As per News18 reports, the Reel has polarized opinions, with some applauding Meena for his candid take on the matter, while others argue that civil servants have every right to maintain a presence on social media. Meena contends that public servants should prioritize their official duties over seeking validation through social media interactions, sparking discussions about the responsibilities and image of civil servants in the digital age.

As the Reel gains traction, it has become a focal point for conversations among government officials, citizens, and social media users. Some see Meena's stance as a necessary critique of a growing trend where civil servants, who traditionally maintained a reserved public profile, are increasingly visible online. Others believe that social media provides a valuable platform for civil servants to engage with the public, share information, and foster transparency in governance.

The debate touches on broader issues of professionalism, accountability, and the evolving role of social media in the lives of public servants. While many acknowledge the benefits of social media as a tool for communication and public engagement, concerns persist about the potential for misuse, distractions from official duties, and the blurring of lines between personal and professional lives.

The incident has also underscored the absence of a comprehensive policy guiding the social media use of civil servants. As Meena’s Reel continues to circulate, calls are growing for clear guidelines that balance the personal online presence of civil servants with their public responsibilities. Such a policy could help navigate the complexities of social media engagement while ensuring that the primary focus remains on serving the public effectively and ethically.

The controversy surrounding Meena's Instagram post is a reminder of the delicate balance that civil servants must maintain in the digital era, where their online and offline actions are subject to public scrutiny.