Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu Warns Against Rising Student Debt In AI And Robotics

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Sridhar Vembu, Founder and CEO of Zoho, has voiced serious concerns about the escalating student debt tied to higher education, particularly in specialized fields like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics.

In a recent online post, Vembu cautioned against the widespread belief that obtaining an accredited degree in these in-demand disciplines guarantees a lucrative career, warning that this assumption often leads students to incur significant debt.

Vembu’s remarks shared on “X” (formerly Twitter), focused on the harsh realities faced by graduates from so-called “degree mills,” especially in Western countries. He criticized these institutions for making lofty promises but failing to equip students with the practical skills needed for real-world jobs, leaving them with a substantial financial burden and limited opportunities for personal and professional development.

Expressing his growing conviction, Vembu described the practice of burdening young people with debt in the name of education as a "major sin" and called for urgent public policy reforms. He advocated for a system prioritising debt-free education, particularly for the youth, to ensure financial security and growth.

Additionally, Vembu encouraged companies to take a more active role in the skill development of their employees. He argued that by investing in advanced training, companies could enhance employee satisfaction and organizational innovation, leading to greater efficiency and success.