Food poisoning strikes Ambedkar residential school in Andhra Pradesh, 49 students affected

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49 students at the Ambedkar Residential School in Yelleswaram, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, fell ill due to suspected food poisoning after consuming breakfast on Tuesday morning. The students reportedly began experiencing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and severe stomach pain shortly after their meal, as reported by Edex Live. 

Of the affected students, 15 were rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. According to hospital sources, the condition of the hospitalized students is stable, though several remain under close observation. The breakfast served that morning, which included eggs, rice, and curry, is currently under scrutiny as a possible source of contamination.

In response to the incident, school authorities and health department officials have launched an investigation to ascertain the exact cause of the food poisoning. The food samples have been collected and sent to a laboratory for testing, with results expected in the coming days. 

The incident has sparked significant concern among parents, who have voiced their alarm over the school's safety and hygiene standards. Many parents demand strict accountability and immediate action against those responsible for the lapse. 

School officials have assured parents and the public that they are fully cooperating with the investigation and will swiftly address any shortcomings. "We are deeply concerned for the well-being of our students and are committed to ensuring such incidents do not happen again," said a school representative.

This incident has also reignited broader concerns about food safety in residential schools nationwide. There have been increasing calls for enhanced oversight, stricter hygiene protocols, and regular food quality checks to prevent similar occurrences in the future. 

As the investigation unfolds, the focus remains on the health and recovery of the affected students. Authorities have promised transparency in their findings and have assured that all necessary steps will be taken to prevent a repeat of such an unfortunate event.