Panchkula schools implement precautionary measures amid rising dengue cases

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The Panchkula Education Department has introduced mandatory precautions to protect schoolchildren from mosquito bites. Effective immediately, students must wear full-sleeved clothing while attending school as part of a comprehensive strategy to minimise the risk of dengue transmission.

As per Hindustan Times reports, this proactive decision comes as Panchkula experiences a significant rise in dengue cases, raising public health concerns and prompting swift action from local authorities. The full-sleeve mandate aims to reduce students' exposure to mosquitoes, the primary carriers of the dengue virus. By covering their arms and legs, students can lower the chances of being bitten, thereby helping to control the spread of the disease within school premises.

Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection, has become a pressing issue in Panchkula, with the number of reported cases climbing steadily. The district's health department has been working with the education department to implement measures to protect children, particularly those vulnerable to the disease. Alongside the full-sleeve directive, schools have been instructed to ensure that classrooms and playgrounds are free of standing water, which serves as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

The education department’s move is part of a broader campaign to prevent dengue outbreaks in schools and maintain a safe learning environment. School authorities have also been advised to inspect their premises regularly to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites. Additionally, efforts are being made to raise awareness among students and staff about the importance of mosquito prevention, including insect repellents and the avoidance of peak mosquito activity times, such as early morning and dusk.

Parents and guardians are crucial in supporting these efforts by ensuring that their children adhere to the new dress code and take preventive measures at home. The education department has urged families to be vigilant in reducing mosquito breeding areas around their residences by covering water containers and regularly changing the water in birdbaths and pet dishes.

The Panchkula Education Department's swift response to the dengue outbreak reflects a commitment to student safety and public health. As the district continues to battle the rise in dengue cases, these preventive measures are seen as essential steps in curbing the spread of the disease and protecting the community. The success of these efforts will depend on the continued cooperation of schools, parents, and local health authorities as they work together to safeguard the well-being of Panchkula’s children.