MP Shashi Tharoor Raises Concerns Over National Education Policy's practicality

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Congress MP Shashi Tharoor voiced his concerns regarding the National Education Policy (NEP) during the Transforming India Conclave 2024, organised by SSVM Institutions in Coimbatore.

While he acknowledged the positive intentions behind the NEP, Tharoor highlighted several critical challenges that could hinder its successful implementation, emphasising the need for realistic strategies and adequate resources.

Tharoor questioned the feasibility of expecting Anganwadi workers, many of whom may not be adequately educated, to teach literacy. He pointed out that this could compromise the quality of education at the foundational level, which is crucial for children's overall development.

The NEP's proposal to allow schools to share facilities within a 30 km radius was met with skepticism by Tharoor, who cited practical difficulties. He argued that the logistical challenges of such an arrangement, particularly in rural and geographically dispersed areas, could undermine the policy's effectiveness.

Tharoor expressed concerns over the availability of sufficient infrastructure and qualified faculty to support the wide range of subjects proposed by the NEP, such as music and mathematics. He emphasized that without adequate facilities and resources, the policy's ambitious goals could remain unattainable.

Tharoor warned that the additional costs associated with implementing the NEP might be passed on to parents, potentially making quality education unaffordable for many underprivileged families. This could exacerbate educational inequality, contradicting the policy's goal of inclusive education. He stressed the need for the government to provide substantial funding to subsidize educational innovations. He argued that without adequate financial backing, schools might struggle to implement the NEP effectively, particularly in offering diverse and high-quality education.

According to edexLive reports, Tharoor urged the government to ensure that necessary resources are allocated to support the NEP's implementation. This includes investing in infrastructure, training faculty, and developing comprehensive support systems to address the diverse needs of students.

By raising these concerns, Tharoor aims to ensure that the NEP's positive aspects are not lost due to practical challenges. His emphasis on realistic implementation, sufficient funding, and resource allocation reflects a commitment to ensuring that the policy translates into accessible and high-quality education for all, rather than remaining an aspirational vision.