Punjab Education Department to raise awareness on Drug Abuse in schools

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To address the growing drug abuse problem among Punjab’s youth, the Punjab State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (PSCPCR) has directed the state's Education Department to launch an initiative focused on educating students about the dangers of drug addiction. This effort seeks to curb the alarming rise in drug abuse and equip students with the knowledge to make informed, healthy choices.

According to Tribune India reports, the PSCPCR has specifically recommended incorporating a chapter on drug abuse into the school curriculum to raise awareness about the devastating effects of substance addiction. The commission also emphasised the importance of extracurricular initiatives, suggesting schools organise workshops, seminars, and expert-led lectures that promote a healthy lifestyle and resilience against addiction.

Chairperson of PSCPCR Sukesh Kalia stressed on early intervention through education can play a pivotal role in preventing students from falling prey to substance abuse. The urgency of this directive comes in the wake of rising concerns over drug addiction, which has increasingly affected youth in the state. Punjab, historically troubled by substance abuse, has seen growing public demand for stronger preventive measures, particularly within the education system.

The introduction of drug awareness programs in schools is seen as a critical step towards safeguarding students from the lure of drugs. In addition to curriculum changes, interactive sessions led by healthcare professionals and former addicts are expected to help students grasp the real-life consequences of addiction and its long-term impact on both physical and mental health.

Parents and educators have praised the move, expressing hope that these efforts will contribute to a significant reduction in drug abuse cases among young people. 

The Punjab Education Department is expected to roll out these changes in the coming academic year, with the integration of drug prevention topics into textbooks and the scheduling of awareness programs. As Punjab intensifies its fight against the drug menace, this initiative marks a proactive step towards creating a drug-free future for its students.