CBSE Hosts virtual conclave to empower school counsellors and wellness staff

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Today, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) organised a virtual conclave for school counsellors and wellness staff to strengthen school support systems. The event emphasised these professionals' critical role in nurturing students' mental health and overall well-being, underscoring the increasing importance of holistic support systems in schools.

The conclave featured a series of expert talks, panel discussions, and experience-sharing sessions, addressing critical challenges faced by students today, such as academic pressure, emotional stress, and personal struggles. Attendees included school counsellors, wellness staff, and educational stakeholders from across India, transforming the event into a knowledge-sharing platform to improve school mental health initiatives.

The primary topics covered were strategies for building student resilience, fostering inclusive environments, and promoting mental well-being. The discussions underscored the necessity of creating a safe space in schools where students feel comfortable sharing their concerns. The role of counsellors in identifying and addressing mental health issues at an early stage was highlighted as a critical component in preventing long-term psychological challenges.

CBSE officials stressed the urgent need for schools to prioritise mental health as part of a broader educational approach. "Schools are not just academic institutions; they are environments where students develop emotionally and socially. Ensuring their well-being is as important as their academic success," said one of the experts at the conclave.

The initiative also recognized the importance of equipping counsellors and wellness staff with the latest tools and techniques to address students' evolving emotional and psychological needs effectively. Professional development for counsellors, particularly in mental health care and emotional support, was essential for creating a more supportive educational environment.

India Today reports that the event served as a call to action for continuous collaboration between educators, counsellors, and wellness staff to create a nurturing and compassionate school atmosphere.

By organising this virtual conclave, CBSE reaffirmed its commitment to enhancing student well-being, promoting the holistic development of young learners, and supporting the mental health professionals who play a pivotal role in shaping India's schools' emotional and psychological landscape. The board's focus on continuous improvement reflects its dedication to fostering an inclusive and well-rounded educational experience for all students.