IIT Delhi Faculty Data Reveals Sharp Underrepresentation Of Marginalized Groups

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The demographic data released by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi on Thursday, September 13, has raised fresh concerns about the institution's commitment to diversity and representation.

The All India OBC Students Association (AIOBCSA) posted the data on X (formerly Twitter), revealing significant underrepresentation of marginalized groups within IIT Delhi's faculty. The information, obtained through a Right to Information (RTI) request, shows that out of 633 current faculty members, 89.1% (563) belong to the general category. Only 7.1% (45) are from Other Backward Classes (OBC), 2.69% (17) are from Scheduled Castes (SC), and a mere 1.11% (7) belong to Scheduled Tribes (ST).

The RTI was filed by AIOBCSA’s National President, Kiran Kumar Gowd. In response to the data, the AIOBCSA questioned the lack of representation, asking, "Where is social justice? Where are the SC, ST, and OBC faculty members?

IIT Delhi, despite having an authorized faculty strength of 1,093, currently faces a shortfall of 460 positions. The data highlights concerns about the limited number of faculty members from SC, ST, and OBC communities, especially given the existing rules to ensure greater participation from these groups.

This data emerges amid a broader national conversation about the need for more inclusive practices in India’s leading educational institutions. The statistics have intensified calls for the IITs and other prominent universities to uphold the principles of equality and social justice, ensuring that all sections of society are adequately represented within their teaching staff.