IIM Ranchi introduces pioneering science-based Happiness Course

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The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ranchi has launched a pioneering course on Science-Based Happiness. This innovative program, now part of the institute’s curriculum, is designed to equip students with skills to foster personal well-being and professional development.

According to Deccan Herald reports, the elective course, spanning 30 hours and offering three academic credits, delves into fundamental concepts of positive psychology, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and overall well-being. The course is open to all students at IIM Ranchi, with an option for students from other IIMs to enrol, marking it as a game-changing addition to management education.

Led by Dr Venkatesh Mantri, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at IIM Ranchi, the course emphasises interactive learning, featuring case studies, group discussions, and reflective exercises. Dr. Mantri’s vision for the course is to provide students with practical tools to nurture a positive mindset, enhance emotional resilience, and create supportive, thriving work environments.

The introduction of the Science-Based Happiness course signals IIM Ranchi's recognition of the crucial role happiness and emotional well-being play in the lives of future managers. As organisations increasingly emphasise work-life balance and mental health, the course prepares students to lead with empathy and a strong focus on creating healthy workplace cultures.

By integrating happiness into its management education, IIM Ranchi is positioning itself as a leader in forward-thinking educational approaches. This course not only sets a new benchmark within IIMs but also challenges traditional notions of management training, highlighting the growing significance of emotional well-being in leadership roles.

With this groundbreaking initiative, IIM Ranchi continues to push the boundaries of management education, preparing future leaders to approach their careers with both a positive outlook and a well-rounded skill set that combines business acumen with the science of happiness.