Singapore Education Minister launches initiatives to strengthen bilingualism

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To bolster bilingualism and enhance career prospects for citizens, Singapore Education Minister Chan Chun Sing unveiled three new initiatives to improve language skills across the country.

The announcement underscores the government’s commitment to fostering a culture that values bilingual proficiency, vital for personal and professional success in an increasingly interconnected world.

Minister Chan described bilingualism as a “special power” that connects individuals to their heritage and communities and offers a competitive edge in the global economy. "Mastering two languages allows our people to maintain cultural ties while thriving in the international marketplace," he said.

The newly announced initiatives are part of a broader strategy to help Singaporeans become fluent in two languages, enhancing their social, cultural, and economic prospects. The key measures include:

Additional resources and tailored learning programs will be provided to ensure every student can achieve proficiency in their mother tongue and English. This includes specialized tutoring, language workshops, and technology-driven tools to help students struggling with bilingualism.

The government aims to foster an environment where employers recognise bilingualism as a valuable skill. This initiative encourages businesses to seek out actively and reward employees proficient in two languages, linking language skills with better career opportunities.

Bilingual events and programs will be launched to engage the broader community. These activities are designed to raise awareness about the importance of bilingualism and to create more opportunities for individuals to practise and enhance their language skills in social and cultural settings.

The government hopes these initiatives will position Singaporeans for success in local and international contexts. Singapore aims to strengthen its position as a global hub for business, education, and culture by promoting bilingualism. Given the country's multicultural population and strategic geographic location, these initiatives are expected to drive innovation, cultural exchange, and economic growth.

According to a Free Press Journal report, the move has been welcomed by educators, employers, and cultural organisations, all of whom see the potential of bilingualism to enhance both individual and national progress. As Singapore continues to evolve as a global city, these initiatives highlight the critical role of language skills in shaping the future.