AI skills set to transform Indian job market: AWS study finds

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The study surveyed around 1,600 workers and 500 employers across India, and the results were pretty eye-opening. Scroll down beneath to read the details

A recent study by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in partnership with Access Partnership has shed some interesting light on the future of AI skills in India's workforce. According to this study, AI-skilled workers in India could see a significant salary hike of about 54%, with sectors like IT and research and development leading the pack in terms of pay.

The study surveyed around 1,600 workers and 500 employers across India, and the results were pretty eye-opening. A whopping 97% of workers believe that having AI skills will positively impact their careers, leading to better job efficiency and advancement opportunities. Not only that, but 95% of employees are actually keen on developing these AI skills to boost their careers, according to reports online.

Interestingly, people from different age groups are all on board with this AI upskilling trend. Whether you're a Gen Z, a Millennial, or even a baby boomer, there's a strong interest in learning AI skills. Even 90% of baby boomers said they'd sign up for AI upskilling courses if given the chance.

Employers aren't lagging behind in recognizing AI's potential either. Almost all of them, a staggering 99%, believe that their companies will be AI-driven by 2028. They're expecting big benefits across various departments, such as finance, IT, research and development, sales and marketing, and more.

The study also touched upon generative AI, which seems to be on everyone's radar. Nearly all employers and workers surveyed expect to start using generative AI tools within the next five years. They're excited about the possibilities, like increasing innovation, improving outcomes, and automating repetitive tasks.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. Despite the enthusiasm for AI, there are some challenges. Many employers are finding it tough to hire the AI talent they need, with 79% struggling to fill these roles. Plus, there's a gap in awareness about AI training programs, with many employers unsure how to implement them and workers unsure about which career paths AI skills could lead them down.

The study paints a picture of a workforce eager to embrace AI but also facing some hurdles. It highlights the need for more education and support in AI training to fully harness its potential in the Indian job market.