Empowering Voices, Amplifying Stories: ‘edInbox’ announces masterclass on education journalism

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Join us as we step on this transformative journey to redefine the landscape of education journalism in India and beyond. Secure your spot today and be part of this pioneering endeavour to uncover the untold stories that shape our collective future.

edInbox proudly presents India's first-ever masterclass on Education Journalism, a dynamic online program poised to revolutionize how journalists engage with and report on the crucial domain of education.

Education serves as the bedrock of societal progress, influencing the lives of over 330 million individuals in South Asia alone. Despite its monumental impact, mainstream media coverage often falls short in capturing the nuances and complexities inherent in the education sector. Recognizing this pressing need, edInbox has curated a comprehensive masterclass to equip budding journalists with the specialized skills and insights required to navigate these critical grounds effectively.

Featuring a stellar lineup of industry experts, including distinguished journalists, media academics, and seasoned researchers from across South Asia, the masterclass promises unparalleled access to knowledge and mentorship. Participants will delve deep into the intricacies of education reporting, with sessions spanning data journalism, trend analysis, educational technology profiling, and multimedia storytelling.

Flexibility lies at the heart of the program, with online sessions scheduled four days a week over a three-month period, accommodating diverse time zones and ensuring maximum participation. Through interactive engagement and personalized guidance from experienced mentors, participants will hone their journalistic prowess and emerge as adept storytellers poised to tackle the pressing issues within the education sphere.

One of the most compelling aspects of the masterclass is its commitment to inclusivity, with multilingual support available in both English and Hindi. This ensures that aspiring journalists from diverse linguistic backgrounds can fully engage with the curriculum and contribute meaningfully to the discourse surrounding education journalism.

Moreover, the masterclass offers tangible benefits for participants, including enhanced employability and networking opportunities. Graduates of the program will not only gain a competitive edge in the job market but also have the chance to secure coveted one-year paid internships with edInbox.com, a leading platform in the education sector, paving the way for a rewarding career in journalism.


Details at a Glance:

Eligibility: Final year undergraduate or any year postgraduate students in media, communications, or allied fields.

Duration: 100 hours, 26 themes, spread across 50 curated online sessions.

Dates: First week of June to last week of August.

Certification Cost: Fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Note: Sessions are free).

Registration: Click Here

The Themes:

  1. Basics of News and its Reporting: Education Context.
  2. Basics of Features and its Writing Skills: Education Context.
  3. Basics of News Analysis: Education Context.
  4. Data Journalism in Education.
  5. Trend Analysis in Education.
  6. Interviewing Skills on Educational Issues.
  7. SEO-Based Educational Writing.
  8. Social Media Writing on Education.
  9. Conceiving and Developing Story Ideas.
  10. Educational News Photography.
  11. Educational Technology Profiling.
  12. Educational Op-Ed Writing.
  13. Creating Educational Vox Pop-Based Stories.
  14. Educational Television News Packaging.
  15. Educational Documentary Filmmaking.
  16. Educational Multimedia Coverage.
  17. Preparing Educational Infographics.
  18. Making Educational Podcasts.
  19. Introduction to Educational Administration and Legalities.
  20. Understanding National and International Educational Rankings and Ratings.
  21. Press, Education and South Asia.
  22. Investigative Educational Reporting.
  23. Conducting Research for Educational Stories.
  24. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Big Data for Educational Reporting.
  25. Educational Reportage Using 2D and 3D Animation.
  26. Fact Checking- Debunking fake news

Join us as we step on this transformative journey to redefine the landscape of education journalism in India and beyond. Secure your spot today and be part of this pioneering endeavour to uncover the untold stories that shape our collective future.

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