From Farm To Fork Crisis: It's Time To Reskill Our Nation Through Agriculture

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Amid the recent controversy over ethylene oxide contamination in spices, it is essential to grasp the broader implications for our agricultural practices and their critical role in promoting sustainability.

Nepal's Department of Food Technology and Quality Control has banned Indian spice brands Everest and MDH due to harmful chemical residues, highlighting an urgent need to re-evaluate and elevate the status of farming and agricultural sciences. Now is the time to recognize farming as a practical vocation and a prestigious field of study that is vital for ensuring our sustainable future.

It is an incontrovertible truth that agriculture is the bedrock of human civilization. It is the art and science of transforming raw natural resources into sustenance. Yet, in pursuing technological advancements and urban glamour, we have relegated agriculture to the periphery of our educational and societal priorities. This is a colossal error.

The cultivation of food is an intricate dance with nature. It demands a profound understanding of soil science, meteorology, botany, and ecology. It necessitates patience, resilience, and a deep-rooted respect for the earth's rhythms. By popularizing farming as a field of study, we cultivate not just food but also a generation of individuals attuned to the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

A populace well-versed in agriculture is more likely to champion sustainable practices. They will be the stewards of organic farming, the innovators of water-saving techniques, and the architects of resilient food systems. Moreover, a solid agricultural foundation can foster entrepreneurship, creating rural economies and reducing urban migration.

The challenges of climate change, population growth, and food security are immense. To navigate these complexities, we need a new breed of agriculturalists—visionaries who can marry traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technology. By making farming a popular field of study, we are not merely preparing for the future but investing in its sustainability.

The time has come to accord agriculture the respect and prominence it deserves. Let us cultivate a society where farming is not merely a profession but a vocation, a calling to nurture life.