Challenges And Reflections: The State Of IIT Education In India

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IIT has long been revered as a premier institution, renowned for its exceptional faculty and high-achieving graduates. However, students from various IITs are taking to Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms to express discontent, while some offer logical explanations.

Many students in India dedicate their high school years to preparing for the competitive IIT-JEE examination, aiming for quality education and lucrative placements. However, recent data reveals a concerning trend: 36% of the latest batch of IIT Bombay students remained unplaced, raising alarms about unemployment in the country. Of approximately 2,000 students registered for the 2024 placements, 712 still seek employment. This statistic underscores the challenges graduates face in securing job opportunities despite their prestigious educational backgrounds.

An IIT Bombay freshman challenges the notion of the institution as no "golden gateway to supreme education." Expressing disillusionment, the student emphasizes the disparity between expectations and reality, sparking introspection within the academic community. This candid perspective prompts reflection on the true nature of educational excellence. They write, “I feel lost and do not have the enthusiasm left. It’s a very sinking feeling, and the college feels like ’a school more than a school’. Honestly, I just don’t know what will make of me in these four years (it feels like a lot of stress, or maybe I am just exaggerating things a little bit). I just want to get my degree as soon as possible and be out of this situation I am in.”

In this population of students, the expectation for patience and innovation, whether from students or teachers, may not always be met. There exists a prevalent culture of coaching where the emphasis lies more on solving questions rather than fostering thoughtful and reasoned approaches. Moreover, the desire for rewards at every step hampers the development of skills necessary for life and career success.

While the EdInbox team spoke to an IIT Bombay alumnus, the answer came in a different tone. The alumnus said, "As a teaching assistant and PhD student at IIT Bombay, I have observed that over 50% of students lack a basic understanding of simple mathematics. There is a notable disparity between merely solving questions and truly comprehending and appreciating the subject matter.

Additionally, there seems to be a greater emphasis on research than teaching within IITs. While universities prioritize teaching roles, IITs often prioritize research. This imbalance underscores the need for a shift in focus towards teaching within the IIT system. Providing teaching assignments or training for faculty members at IITs could help address this issue and promote a more balanced approach to education. Ultimately, bridging the gap between rote problem-solving and genuine understanding, as well as rebalancing priorities within the IIT system, are essential steps towards fostering a more enriching educational experience for students."

A professor from the institute told HT, "The institute is focused on big packages to maintain the high mark of average salary packages. However, it is not focusing on the salary bagged by an average student – this has created a system where despite getting offer letters, most students reject them later and choose other ways to seek employment."