Shocking: Class 10 student allegedly stabbed by peers over exam answer sheet

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Three students in Bhiwandi, Maharashtra, reportedly assaulted a classmate during a Class 10 examination after he refused to share his answer sheet with them. According to police statements on Thursday, the altercation unfolded immediately after the exam concluded, within the premises of the school

Three students in Bhiwandi, Maharashtra, reportedly assaulted a classmate during a Class 10 examination after he refused to share his answer sheet with them. According to police statements on Thursday, the altercation unfolded immediately after the exam concluded, within the premises of the school. The victim, gravely injured in the attack, was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital for urgent medical attention.

The motive behind the assault, as detailed by law enforcement officials, appears to stem from the victim's decision to withhold his answer sheet from the accused trio during the SSC exams. Allegedly, the refusal incited the ire of the perpetrators, culminating in a violent confrontation. Upon exiting the examination hall, the situation took a menacing turn as the trio cornered the victim, subjecting him to a brutal assault. Matters escalated further when they brandished a weapon, stabbing him and inflicting severe injuries that necessitated immediate hospitalization.

Following initial medical treatment, the victim was discharged from the hospital, albeit undoubtedly shaken by the harrowing ordeal. However, the swift response from authorities has provided some semblance of justice. Legal proceedings have been initiated against the accused, with a case filed under Section 324 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), pertaining to the voluntary causing of hurt by dangerous weapons or means. The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the urgent need for stringent measures to ensure the safety and security of students within educational environments.