Indian Embassy Confirms Safety Of Students Amid Bishkek Unrest

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The Indian Embassy in Bishkek has issued a reassuring statement confirming the stabilization of the city's situation and the safety of all Indian students.

This update, conveyed on Sunday, May 19 via a post on social media platform X, highlighted the return to normalcy in Bishkek and the Embassy's assurance regarding the well-being of Indian students. Additionally, students were advised to adhere to the guidelines established by Kyrgyz authorities and provided with a dedicated contact number (0555710041) for any assistance required.

The announcement follows a series of disturbing incidents involving mob violence targeting foreign students in Bishkek since Friday evening, May 17. The Pakistan embassy in Kyrgyzstan also took to social media to address the unrest, attributing it to the dissemination of videos depicting a confrontation between Kyrgyz students and Egyptian medical students on May 13.

In response to the initial unrest, the Indian Embassy had previously urged students to remain indoors and maintain constant communication with Embassy officials. They reaffirmed their commitment to student safety by offering a round-the-clock helpline number (0555710041), as mentioned in Edex Live. 

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, on Saturday, May 18, underscored the significance of closely monitoring the situation concerning Indian students in Bishkek. He advised students to stay in regular touch with the Embassy and provided assurance that the situation was reportedly under control.