Indian Embassy Steps In To Assist Students In Bishkek Amid Violence

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In response to the recent violent clashes in Bishkek, the Indian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan has launched a comprehensive effort to support Indian students studying in the city. With around 17,000 Indian students enrolled in various medical universities across Kyrgyzstan, the majority of whom are based in Bishkek, the embassy's swift action aims to ensure their safety and facilitate their potential return to India.

The Indian Embassy has established 24x7 helplines (0555710041 and 0555005538) specifically for students needing assistance. These helplines are part of a broader strategy to provide continuous support and timely information to students amid the ongoing tensions.

Despite the unrest, air connectivity between Bishkek and Delhi remains uninterrupted. Students can also access flights via alternative routes through Almaty, Dubai, Istanbul, Sharjah, and Tashkent. Local transportation to Manas International Airport in Bishkek is available, ensuring that students have the means to reach their flights safely.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has issued a statement reassuring Indian nationals in Kyrgyzstan that all necessary support and assistance will be provided. The Indian Embassy is closely monitoring the situation, maintaining constant communication with local authorities to guarantee the safety and well-being of Indian citizens.

The embassy has advised students to stay vigilant, adhere to local instructions, and avoid any areas where violence may be occurring. In addition to the helplines, a dedicated team has been set up to address any queries or concerns from the students, offering guidance and support during this uncertain time.

Reports indicate that the situation in Bishkek, while tense, remains under control. The embassy is actively working with local universities to organize the smooth return of Indian students who wish to leave the country. This includes coordinating with airlines and providing necessary travel documentation and assistance.

Many students have expressed concerns about their safety and the continuation of their studies. The embassy's proactive measures, including the establishment of helplines and the close coordination with educational institutions, aim to alleviate these worries and provide a clear pathway for students seeking to return home.

The Indian government’s prompt response highlights its commitment to protecting its citizens abroad and ensuring their well-being in times of crisis. The embassy's efforts are crucial in maintaining calm and order among the Indian student community in Bishkek, reassuring them that they are not alone during these challenging times.

The Indian Embassy's actions demonstrate a robust support system for Indian students in Bishkek, offering immediate assistance and facilitating safe travel arrangements amid the recent violence. The ongoing efforts to monitor the situation and coordinate with local authorities underscore the embassy’s dedication to the safety and security of Indian nationals in Kyrgyzstan.