Tamil Nadu Government Applauds Private Schools For Academic And Sporting Excellence

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This recognition follows an outstanding performance by private schools in the Class X and XII public exams. Impressively, 2,199 private schools achieved a 100% pass rate in Class X, while 1,750 schools did the same in Class XII.

The Tamil Nadu government has announced plans to honor private school staff members who achieved exceptional results in the 2023-2024 board exams and in student sports performance.

Stellar Performance in Board Exams

This recognition follows an outstanding performance by private schools in the Class X and XII public exams. Impressively, 2,199 private schools achieved a 100% pass rate in Class X, while 1,750 schools did the same in Class XII. These results underscore teachers' and students' dedication and hard work in these institutions.

Beyond Academics: Recognizing Sporting Achievements

The awards ceremony will also celebrate achievements beyond academics. The government acknowledges the importance of holistic student development by recognizing those who have excelled in sports. According to Edex Live, 78 private school students won medals in international sports competitions, while 255 and 1,579 students succeeded at the national and state levels, respectively.

Encouraging Excellence

State Minister of Youth Welfare and Sports Development, Udhayanidhi Stalin, and School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi will lead the ceremony, honoring these top-performing schools' administration and teaching staff. This recognition is intended to inspire schools to continue promoting academic excellence and providing a well-rounded student experience, with a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities such as sports.