Kerala unveils bold initiative to revitalise Higher Education with seven new centres of excellence

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Aimed at transforming its higher education landscape, the Kerala government has launched an ambitious plan to establish seven Centres of Excellence. This strategic move is designed to enhance the quality of education, foster groundbreaking research, and position Kerala as a prominent destination for advanced studies.

The Kerala government has allocated a substantial budget of Rs 11.4 crore for this initiative, reflecting its commitment to elevating the state’s educational standards. These Centres of Excellence are set to cover a broad spectrum of disciplines, including science, technology, social sciences, language, and culture, thus catering to diverse academic and research interests.

Centre of Excellence for Teaching, Learning, and Training will focus on improving pedagogical methods and training educators to enhance the quality of teaching and learning across institutions.

Kerala Institute for Science, Technology, and Innovation (KISTI) aims to drive scientific research and technological innovation advancements, fostering collaborations between academia and industry.

Kerala Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS) will be a hub for higher-level academic research and specialized studies, promoting interdisciplinary approaches and cutting-edge research.

Kerala Network for Research-Support in Higher Education (KNRSHE) will provide comprehensive support for research activities, facilitating collaboration and resource-sharing among researchers and institutions.

Centre for Indigenous People’s Education (CIPE): This centre is dedicated to advancing education tailored to the needs of indigenous communities, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting inclusive educational practices.

Kerala Institute for Gender Equality: Focusing on gender studies and equality, this institute will address issues related to gender disparities and promote research and education on gender issues.

Kerala Language Network: This centre will emphasize studying and promoting regional languages and literature, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Kerala’s linguistic heritage.

Through these centres, the Kerala government aims to attract top-tier faculty, researchers, students, and industry experts, positioning the state as a leading hub for higher education. The initiative also seeks to bolster Kerala’s appeal to international students, supported by the ‘Study in Kerala’ program, which highlights the state’s commitment to academic excellence and innovation.

Establishing these Centres of Excellence is expected to significantly impact Kerala’s higher education sector, driving innovation, supporting advanced research, and enhancing academic standards. This strategic move underscores the government’s vision of making Kerala a global player in higher education and research, reinforcing its position as a centre of academic and cultural excellence.