JNU Students On Hunger Strike Refuse Treatment After Being Admitted To AIIMS

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Two Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students on an indefinite hunger strike were admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on Monday, August 19, after their health deteriorated.

Despite their condition, the students refused medical treatment and continued their protest. The hunger strike began on August 11 and has now entered its eighth day, with students demanding action on a series of issues that they claim the administration has ignored.

After assessing their declining health, the JNU Health Centre referred the two students to AIIMS. However, the students signed a leave against medical advice (LAMA) document, refusing treatment. JNU Vice-chancellor Santishree D Pandit confirmed that the administration has informed the student’s parents about their decision to decline medical care, emphasizing that they are adults who have taken responsibility for their actions.

The protesters are demanding an increase in the merit-cum-means (MCM) scholarship to at least Rs 5,000, the opening of the Barak Hostel, which has remained non-operational since its inauguration, and the revocation of the Chief Proctor's Office manual that imposes fines on-campus protests. They also call for reinstating the Gender Sensitisation Committee Against Sexual Harassment (GSCASH) and the withdrawal of proctorial inquiries against students involved in demonstrations related to water and gender justice issues.